National SBA Network
We Are the Ownership Class
Local Offices
Region 1:   Maine SBA  |  Vermont SBA  |  New Hampshire SBA
Massachusetts SBA  |  Rhode Island SBA  |  Connecticut SBA

Region 2:   New York SBA  |  New Jersey SBA  |  Delaware SBA

Region 3:   Pennsylvania SBA  |  Maryland SBA  |  West Virginia SBA
Virginia SBA

Region 4:   Mississippi SBA  |  Alabama SBA  |  Georgia SBA
North Carolina SBA  |  South Carolina SBA  |  Kentucky SBA
Tennessee SBA  |  Florida SBA

Region 5:   Minnesota SBA  |  Wisconsin SBA  |  Michigan SBA
Illinois SBA  |  Indiana SBA  |  Ohio SBA
Region 6:   New Mexico SBA  |  Texas SBA®  |  Oklahoma SBA
Arkansas SBA  |  Louisiana SBA

Region 7:   Nebraska SBA  |  Kansas SBA  |  Iowa SBA
Missouri SBA

Region 8:   Montana SBA  |  Wyoming SBA  |  North Dakota SBA
South Dakota SBA  |  Utah SBA  |  Colorado SBA

Region 9:   California SBA  |  Nevada SBA  |  Arizona SBA

Region 10:  Alaska SBA  |  Hawaii SBA  |  Washington SBA
Oregon SBA  |  Idaho SBA
Frequently Asked Questions

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration 33.2 Million companies exist. Contact your (State) Small Business Association or (State) SBA for more resources.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration over 80% of the 33.2 Million companies in existance are 1-person firms.

Up to 27 Million people are in the Ownership Class and the new 2024 Corporate Transparency Act requires all owners with 25% or more ownership to report their holdings annually to the U.S. federal government. Contact your (State) Small Business Association to help fight this invasion or privacy.

Contact your (State) Small Business Association or (State) SBA to help grow your business.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration 61 Million people work for a small business. Contact your (State) Small Business Association or (State) SBA.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration less than 20% small businesses have employees. Contact your (State) Small Business Association or (State) SBA.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration 16% of small businesses have between 1 - 19 employees with 2% of small businesses employing between 20 - 499 employees.

Contact your (State) Small Business Association or (State) SBA for human resource assistance.

Employee compensation eats-up to 70% of a company's budget.

United States legalized slavery from 1776 - 1865 was stolen labour and wealth from Foundational Black Americans (cr. 1807 Slave Trade Act); is still owed to their descendents; and the wealth is evident in today's governmental and corporate infrastructure.

Contact your (State) Small Business Association or (State) SBA for business support.

Inventory accounts for up to 25% of a company's budget. Contact your (State) Small Business Association or (State) SBA for finanical assistance.

Only 1% of a company's typical budget is spent on advertising. Contact your (State) Small Business Association or (State) SBA for advertising opportunities.

20% of compaies fail in Year 1; 30% in Year 2; and 50% by Year 5.

Contact your (State) Small Business Association or (State) SBA for advertising opportunities.

#1 reason is lack of customer demand. #2 reason is lack of capital.

Contact your (State) Small Business Association or (State) SBA for financial assistance.

Corporate Treasury is your company's finance and accounting department. The balance sheet has assets and liabilities while the income statement has capital inflows and outflows. Treasury Risk Management attempts to manage or reduce the risks of interest rates, currency fluctuations, energy consumption, commodities, stock indexes, retirements and pensions, plus other line-items on the financial statements. Ask Questions: Contact SBA Risk Management Group™ at

Turbulent economic times are predicted for 2024 - 2025 and Corporate Treasury Risk Management should be considered for all small business owners. Listen Live.

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